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We have imported top pigeons and 1st place winners, as well as children of National, Olympiade, Provincial, and Ace pigeons from families consisting of generations of winners. We are successful performance lofts racing children of these pigeons, while preferring type and performance over “strain names.”
While not all of the names mentioned below are familiar to fanciers in the USA, they are well known and respected fanciers in Europe. What the bloodlines listed below have in common is that they came from top racing lofts with generations of winners in the bloodlines. We breed key birds in individual sections, and we rotate different hens to the cocks.
Our imports are direct from the following fanciers:
Denis Sapin:
Recommended to us by a friend as having excellent pigeons for speed. Denis competes in sprint to middle distance with a family based on Jos Soontjes. His pigeons during our visit were a type that we like and can work with. They are medium in size, good frames, good feather, muscle, balance, and full of life in the hand. Denis has won high national ace pigeon awards, provincials, and has had an Olympic pigeon. He keeps around 20 pairs, 36 classic widowhood cocks, and races around 60 young birds on the sliding door method. We have 2 pairs from Denis and we like how their young birds have raced for us, including 1st Tampa Bay Combine 2015 vs 796 pigeons.
Eric Vermander:
While visiting Belgium in 2013, Eric Vermander was recommended to us in separate conversations with Silvere Toye and Roger Vereekee. We visited Eric the day after the race from Barcelona, where after entering 2 birds, he was 8th Nationally vs 10,542 and 10th Internationally against 25,381 with "Cesar". In 2014, Eric entered 3 old cocks in the long distance race from Montauban, winning 1st National with his first nominated pigeon “Napoleon” vs 5,933. On that same day he won 2 national prizes with his 2 bird entry from the long distance race from Pau. Breeding from 6 pairs of breeders, Eric maintains 32 widow cocks, and around 40 young birds.While he is super at the long distance races, he expects his pigeons to compete both in young and old birds from 60 miles to 600 miles. We were very impressed with Eric and his pigeons and asked that he select 8 late summer youngsters for us. He sent us a child of “Cesar”, a sister of "Napoleon” as well as other top representatives of his birds that have contributed to his several wins, top 10 national and international prizes
Frans & Gert Rondags:
This family has had the most impact on our lofts in recent years. Frans raced with his late father Laurent and now with his son Gert. PIPA described him as,"The best of the best from sprint to grand middle distance” and had this to say about the birds “Rondags birds are just the prototype of the modern sprint and middle distant pigeons: fast, clever and with power in the wings, and not forgetting, with an exceptional perseverance, with special inheritance qualities”. The Rondags pigeons are based on Fran's father’s family of champions with many toppers from his good friend Paul Huls. In 2009, at auction, we made a great investment with the purchases of “De Witkop” and “Frans”. “Witkop” was 5 times first, his nest brother was 4 times first, his half-brother was 16 times first, and a son of “Witkop” was 4 times first for Rondags and the "Frans" a grand son of Super pair De Monnik and Het Kannibolleke. No other pigeons (and in over 50 years we have had a few good ones) have had the immediate impact of “Witkop” and “Frans”. They have each bred winners with different hens; and those children and grandchildren have raised winners. Frans and Gert have won more than 60 races each season from 2013 through 2015 and their National, Ace and other awards are numerous.These pigeons win for us and others in young and old birds from 100 through 400.They have the ability win out in front and are responsible for Champion birds, Qualified Ace Pigeons, and multiple 1st's at GHC club, U-ten club, Florida Federation, the GTBRPC, and All Tampa Racing Pigeon club. We think so highly of this family that we have imported 25 super pigeons from our good friend, Frans Rondags.
Guido Loockx:
Currently one of the top fanciers in Belgium, In additional to superior performance, Guido drew our attention because the bloodlines of his pigeons are based on pigeons from Emile and Louis Daems, specifically “Pantani”. Besides being a super breeder“Pantani” was 1st National Bourges, and an Olympic pigeon. He also happens to be half Emile and Louis Daems, which has been an important line for us dating back to 1991. Guido got 9 pigeons from Daems around the same time we acquired them. Of the 9 of original Daems pigeons 7 produced winners for Guido. Guido has won 1st National twice from Bourges, 1st National Argenton, and Olympiade pigeons middle and long distance. Our 6 pigeons from Guido are an important addition and tie into our Daems pigeons producing winners from 200 to 600 miles.
Henri Menten:
Henri has 12 pairs and raises around 35 young birds to race. He only carries around 30 pigeons in total in his lofts over the winter. And yet, his race results are super. In 2014, he won 1st National and 4th National Ace Pigeon Young Bird of Belgium KBDB and starting the season with 18 young pigeons. Henri also had the 1st and 3rd Olympic Pigeons Category F at Budapest that same year. He has raised a total of 4 Olympic pigeons. Henri has raced his pigeons for over 50 years and was a top middle distance fancier, but in an effort to reduce his number of birds, he now focuses now on the sprint young bird races with hens. We have children from each of his 2014 Olympic birds “Vittel” and “De Vooruit”.
Jelle Roziers:
Our very good friend, Jelle is a young professional pigeon fancier and a regular visitor to the United States. He is the product of a mulit-generational pigeon family and learned his craft from is his grandfather, father, uncle, and on his mother’s side the famous Jef Houben family. But make no mistake, Jelle is an outstanding fancier in his own right building an ultra successful family around his super "Queen L" (1st national La Souterraine vs 16,297), specializing with young birds in the national races where he regularly scores high in the top 100 against thousands of birds. His bloodlines are mostly Houben with select additions from key competitors. Jelle is a supremely honest straight shooter "no bulls_ _ t" kind of guy and we appreciate his friendship. We are currently breeding from 3 birds selected for us by Jelle that are inbred to his base pigeon “Queen L”.
Jos & Lars Vercammen:
A well know father and son currently at the top of their game in the famous Antwerp Union. The Vercammen pigeons race as young and old birds in all types of weather from 100 to 500 miles. Jos is said… “to be the flyer who makes the most money in all the races in Belgium” and has been named “King” for winning the Antwerp long distance championship for three years in a row. We have been able to acquire 10 special pigeons over the years selected for us by are our friends Jos & Lars, including lines to their key pigeons from the past and also their current super racers and breeders. The Vercammen's have won and continue to win against thousands of pigeons in very tough provincial and national competitions.
Leo Heremans:
This top sprint to middle distance fancier was 1st National KBDB Sprint Young Birds in 2010 and again in 2012, and 1st National Ace Pigeon Young Birds in 2012. Leo also had Olympiade pigeons in 2011 and 2012. His base breeders were the “Olympiade” and “De Jan”. Besides his tight family built around these key birds, he used out-cross birds, including several from Paul Huls (a source loft for Frans & Gert Rondags, which is one of our key families of pigeons). We have 5 pigeons bred by Leo, one of which is our top producing hen “163” who is a sister of Leo’s ace pigeon the “090”.
Louis Ceyssens:
We met Louis and his wife Els while visiting Belgium in 2014. Louis had just bred the 2nd National Ace Pigeon Snelheid in 2012. His pigeons are rich with the lines of Rondags and are particularly strong in the line of the “Bom” who was 11 times first, a base bird, and the grandfather of our super-breeder “Witkop”. The Ceyssens pigeons looked and handled like our birds of this family. We had found a treasure as we handled the birds and looked at their performances. We now have 10 Ceyssens pigeons from his best breeders including a full brother to the 2nd National Ace, a son of a 9 times first, children from the father of winner of the Belgian Masters 2008, and lines of national and provincial ace pigeons.
Luc De Roeck:
A small team fancier who competes in young and old birds with few pigeons, De Roeck races at all distances but is best at the long middle and long distance. He has won national long distance races from Montelimar, Orange, and Marseille through the super tough Rhone valley. Our friend Jo Herbots wrote us, ”Mr. De Roeck is one of the best fanciers of Belgium.” De Roeck's base cock, “Le Daems” is the sire to our “Lucky 114” who is the father to “815” who was 1st provincial 4th/6,718 National Montelimar; and 15 vs 22,718 National Yearlings at Chateauroux. Luc continued racing “815” after we acquired “Lucky 114” and in 2014 "815” was 3rd National Ace Pigeon Long Distance Belgium KBDB! PIPA named ”815” the best one day long distance old bird, and the LCB awarded “815” Ace Pigeon Long Distance and Great Long Distance! Our “Son Kiley 240” is from “Kiley” 1st National Montelimar and a brother to “Lucky 114”, and our “166” hen is a daughter of As (Ace) Du Rhone, another brother to “Lucky 114”, “Kiley”, etc. From Jos Thone we have a cock whose father "Vale De Roeck" is a son of Luc’s base pair, and from Michaux Francois 2 pigeons from a pair direct from Luc of similar breeding.
Ludo Claessens:
Considered to have been one of the best middle distance fanciers anywhere for over 25 years. When Claessens left the sport in 2009, his record setting auction earned over one million dollars selling 105 pigeons at an average of over $11,000 per pigeon. We bought the “Kleintje 10” who Ludo raced to 1st vs 26,801 and “Dreaming 44” at his auction. Alvarez pigeons has bought at auction and privately over 30 Ludo’s including 3 more bred by him. We breed successfully from the imports, their children, and grandchildren. This family has been very good for us and for others as young and old birds from 100 to 500 miles in all types of races, particularly on harder races. Including
2016 1st Long Distance and @2nd Overall Champion bird Florida Federation
with a Grandchild of "Kleintje 10" flown by Stollar Lofts and bred by Alvarez Pigeons!
Paul Huls:
Paul is considered my many to be a top fancier, a top selector of breeding pigeons, and a master breeder. He is an expert in his ability to recognize potential and pair birds with excellent eyes, frame, muscle, feather, balance and most important performance, He is a source loft for our friend Frans Rondags and a resource for many other top fanciers including Ulllrich Lemmens with (Oneridge) and Albert Derwa's (Paulien). The Huls pigeons are successful as young and old birds in sprint to middle distance and now out to long distance. The pigeons we have acquired from Paul were selected by him for us after allowing them to mature to help ensure top quality. Paul invested heavily in his search for super pigeons with extraordinary breeding abilities.His efforts resulted in a 1st National Argenton against 20,499, 1st Olympiade, and many other top performances and credentials.
Raf & Jo Herbots:
The top breeding cock of these super lofts is “Yvan”. Besides being a super breeding cock, “Yvan” was 1st National Ace Pigeon Belgium KBDB Middle Distance 2009 and 4th National Ace Pigeon 2008! During one of our visits with our friend Jo, we were able to handle and select a direct son, a daughter to Yvan as well as an inbred granddaughter. In her first year breeding with a Willy Daniels cock, the Yvan granddaughter produced a winner for us from 280 miles ahead by almost 7 minutes. We also have a son of another important cock, “Kenzo” who was 1st National Belgium KBDB Ace Pigeon Middle Distance 2007. We are proud of the friendships we have developed at Herbots and the pigeons we have been able to acquire from them.
Willy Daniels:
We visited Willy Daniels in 2014 and 2015 while in Belgium. He Competes very successfully with a small number of pigeons in the famous Antwerp Union racing particularly well in the national middle and long middle distance races. He breeds from 12 pairs of breeders and was racing old pigeons with only 12 hens the first time we visited him! He has won 1st National Argenton vs 5,252 with the one pigeon he sent to the race! He has also won 1st National old Birds Chateauroux 2014; 1st National Yearlings Chateauroux in 2015 and the same year again 1st National Chateauroux III. Check the race results, Willy places his birds in the top 100 national races against thousands of pigeons, a tough feat for anyone, particularly for someone who sends so few pigeons. We are breeding from sisters to 2015 National winner "Nikki" as well as sons and daughters of the 1st, 2nd and 5th Ace pigeons Grote Halve fond 2013. Already in 2015, One of our cocks from Willy is the father of a first at 280 miles ahead by almost 7 minutes.
Additional Belgium Fanciers:
We are also breeding select imports from the following fanciers: Benny Steveninck; Danny Van Dyck; Georges Carteus; Davy Tournelle, Ulrich Lemmens, Maurice & Gregory Casaert; Freddy & Jacques Vandenheede; John & Jan Baeck; and Willem De Bruijn.
Old Family:
These pigeons have been blended into our family that is still winning for us. They are Janssen x Van Loon x Emile and Louis Daems x Jan Grondelaers, etc. We are breeding from an AU National Reserve Champion purchased from a good friend. She was a great racer and even better breeder. These pigeons are still breeding top performance pigeons down from our original foundation pigeons. Janssen and Van Loon birds need no introduction. We visited Daems and Grondelaers in Belgium in 1991. The Daems family were at the height of their success in middle distance in provincial and national competition. Their foundation cock was a many times winner and produced excellent grizzles. Our Daems and Grondelaers crossed produced great pigeons that are still breeding very good racers for us.
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